
Digital Certificate Generation for Educational Institutes with Participant Photos through Dutypar’s Facial Recognition QR code+Selfie on Certificates


This case study explores the implementation of a digital certification generation system for an educational institute. The system allows for personalized certificates with participant photos(selfie), official signatures, and institute branding. The process involves formal communication, digital signatures, QR code generation, participant information collection through Dutypar’s Facial Recognition Selfie process, ID verification, and secure payment gateways.

digi certi case study


In this digital era, educational institutes are adopting innovative methods to streamline administrative processes. One such process is the generation of digital certificates for participants of various programs. This case study examines the step-by-step process of implementing a digital certification generation system with participant selfie photos, incorporating the necessary elements such as digital signatures, QR code generation, participant information collection, ID verification, and secure payment gateways.


The main objectives of implementing the digital certification generation system are as follows:

System Workflow:

Program Organization:

Certificate Customization:

QR Code Generation and Participant Information Collection:

Payment Gateway:

Digital Certificate Generation:


generation process

Personalized certificates with participant photos enhance authenticity

Efficient collection of participant information

Increased convenience for participants with digital certificates

Enhanced security through ID verification and secure payment gateways


The implementation of a digital certification generation system for educational institutes offers numerous benefits, including streamlined processes, personalized certificates, and improved participant experiences. By incorporating participant photos, digital signatures, and QR code generation, educational institutes can enhance the authenticity and security of their certificates while simplifying administrative tasks.

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