
Attendance Tracking and Analytics with Dutypar’s Facial Recognition Tech Platform for Corporates & Educational Institutes: A Case Study


This is a case study of Dutypar, an AI based facial recognition tech company that has developed an Attendance mobile application for use in corporate environments as well as schools and colleges. The application utilizes a combination of geo-location, mobile number verification, and facial contours to accurately track and record attendance. Additionally, Dutypar offers APIs that facilitate the integration of facial technology into existing payroll or Education ERP software, ensuring a smooth transition without the need for extensive system modifications. Furthermore, the Dutypar’s solution includes powerful dashboard features that provide comprehensive reports and analytics for enhanced decision-making. Additionally, the app introduces a group selfie feature specifically for schools and colleges, reducing the time taken for roll call and increasing teaching time.


Dutypar is an innovative technology startup firm focused on developing cutting-edge solutions for Facial Recognition based attendance tracking and analytics. Dutypar’s Attendance mobile application offers a seamless and secure method of capturing attendance in corporate organizations, schools, and colleges. Leveraging advanced facial recognition algorithms, the app ensures accurate and efficient attendance management. In addition to the core features, the app introduces a group selfie functionality for educational institutions to streamline the roll call process and maximize teaching time.

Home-in attendance (1)

Features and Functionality:

Facial Recognition-Based Attendance:

Dutypar Attendance app employs a three-step process to verify and record attendance:

Dashboard and Analytics:

The app offers a powerful dashboard that provides comprehensive reports and analytics. Key features include:

Group Selfie for Schools and Colleges:

Recognizing the unique requirements of educational institutions, the Dutypar Attendance app introduces a group selfie feature. With this functionality, teachers can capture a single selfie with all students present, streamlining the roll call process. The app employs facial recognition algorithms to identify each student within the group selfie, automatically marking their attendance. This innovative feature significantly reduces the time taken for roll call, enabling teachers to allocate more time to actual teaching and learning activities.


Facial Recognition-Based Attendance:

Corporates can integrate Dutypar’s facial recognition APIs into their existing payroll software. This integration ensures that attendance data captured through facial recognition seamlessly syncs with payroll systems, simplifying the process of calculating employee working hours and wages.

Also, Dutypar’s facial recognition APIs can be seamlessly integrated into the existing Education ERP software. This integration allows for the automatic updating of attendance records, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing administrative tasks for teachers and administrators.

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This flow diagram represents a high-level overview of the facial recognition system’s workflow in a corporate environment. It showcases the steps involved, from capturing the user’s image to updating attendance records and dashboards, demonstrating the seamless and efficient integration of facial recognition technology for attendance tracking incorporates.


Dutypar has successfully transformed MSSDS’s attendance management and lecture feedback, leveraging facial recognition technology, a broadcast feature, and an intuitive dashboard with comprehensive analytics reports. By automating attendance tracking, capturing real-time lecture feedback, and facilitating efficient communication, Dutypar optimized resources, enhanced student engagement, and empowered data-driven decision-making. This case study demonstrates how innovative technologies can revolutionize attendance management via Facila Recognition systems and promote a more productive and engaging educational environment

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